Uncovering overlooked data to inform policy purchase decision

Our monthly “Impacting Outcomes” column features actual case scenarios and how Valkyrie team was able to positively impact outcomes for clients.


A fund manager came to Valkyrie because they were considering a tertiary policy purchase. The concern was related to the current mortality in comparison with original market LE’s (completed in the past 4 years). The client needed to understand if the original LE’s were appropriate, and if there was progression of health impairments that would impact the trajectory of the past mortality projections. The additional challenge: they did not have updated records (sound familiar?). Valkyrie was able to complete a Bullet Review assessment with historical medical and updated eData . We determined there were prior unrecognized medical issues of impact and significant progression of impairments & health deterioration.

Details and outcome

When Valkyrie completed the bullet review, we had the original life expectancy reports, medical records (that the LE providers utilized). We also secured comprehensive eData which included historical and recent pharmacy, laboratory, and health claims information on the insured providing us the ability to provide a thorough 360 degree underwriting assessment.

Valkyrie underwriting considered the entire medical history and was able to provide detailed insight into history that appeared to be overlooked on the market life expectancy reviews. Combining that insight with eData and mortality scoring reflected a highly impaired risk. The combination of underwriting experience and leveraging data provided our client with insights that competitors lacked. The Valkyrie advantage made this policy an exceptional tertiary ‘buy’ opportunity for our client.

Underwriting corner

Age, gender and tobacco

81 y/o male | Non-tobacco

Medical highlights

  • ASHD without angina
  • CAD-single vessel without surgical intervention
  • Abnormal cardiac testing **overlooked on market LE’s
  • Updated eData-MF >4700%, related to CA (new), progressive cardiac risk factors & chronic alcoholism with liver disease                   **overlooked on market LE’s

Market LEs and MFs

Mortality Factor ranges: 100% to 210% (2.10)
LE ranges: 183 to 218 months

Valkyrie longevity estimate

99 months

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For case scenarios we have redacted identifying characteristics maintaining our clients confidentiality. Case studies for illustrative purposes only.