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Need a Report? Have a General Question? Get in Touch!



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Frequently asked questions

What industries do you serve?

Valkyrie Limited provides scalable, evidence-based life expectancy assessments and underwriting services for life insurance, life settlements, financial advisors, and the senior living industry.

How does the underwriting process work?
We leverage innovative technology to analyze insureds’ data efficiently and make data more readable to our human underwriters and doctors. Our credentialed underwriting professionals and medical specialists then carefully review the resulting medical and nonmedical information and interpret impacts to help you make informed decisions.
Which impairments are you best at underwriting?
We are excellent at underwriting cardiovascular, diabetes, renal disease, pulmonary and respiratory disorders. We excel at dementia and cognitive risks and complicated off-table evaluations. We also do very well on individuals over the age of 90.

When it comes to cancer risks, we typically do them off-table, as they are clinically assessed by a clinician with oncology expertise. Cancer risks are a moving target because new therapies come out regularly that make it challenging to develop accurate assessments, but we work around that by leveraging clinical specialists who are well informed on the latest treatments.

How are life expectancy assessments useful in planning for retirement and LTC needs?
Life expectancy assessments can be extremely useful in planning for retirement and long-term care needs because they provide personalized insights that can help you and your clients make informed financial decisions. By offering individualized assessments, you demonstrate credibility and can more easily explain complex investment strategies that are tailored to your client’s specific needs and circumstances. With a clear understanding of a client’s life expectancy, you can help them establish realistic financial goals and plan for the future. This can be especially helpful in the retirement planning process, as it allows you to consider both the financial and personal factors that will impact the client’s retirement experience. Overall, life expectancy assessments can provide valuable clarity and insight for both you and your clients as you work together to plan for the future.
How are your services superior to the life expectancy underwriting engines?
Our services at Valkyrie Limited are superior to generic life expectancy underwriting engines for several reasons. Unlike black box technology, which does not provide information about how life expectancy is determined, we have a transparent and thorough process that takes into account all relevant factors that impact each individual life. Our approach is granular and individualized, creating unique assessments that are tailored to each person. In contrast, online life expectancy models often do not consider all necessary data points and provide generic, one-size-fits-all assessments that may not be accurate or realistic.

Our team of experts at Valkyrie Limited is dedicated to creating accurate and reliable assessments that can help you mitigate risk and make informed decisions. We use a combination of tried and true underwriting practices, evidence-based mortality research, and relevant clinical expertise to provide the most accurate assessments possible. Our assessments are backed by a 100% satisfaction guarantee, giving you confidence in the quality of our work. Overall, our services are designed to provide you with the clarity and insight you need to make informed decisions and plan for the future.

What sets Valkyrie Limited apart?
There are several factors that set Valkyrie Limited apart in the field of life expectancy underwriting. In addition to our focus on customer service, we also bring a wealth of experience and an entrepreneurial spirit to our work. Our team has a strong track record of success in the field, and we are constantly seeking new ways to innovate and improve our underwriting services. We leverage proprietary mortality tables and innovative technology to streamline and enhance our processes, making it easier for our human underwriters to focus on what they do best – interpreting risk. We also leverage a team of medical experts to assess specific medical risks.
How can you support our underwriting department?

We can train new underwriters using customized training, case reviews, and webinars. We use accepted and credentialed underwriting training on specific medical and non-medical impairments and conduct classes both in person and online.

What mortality tables do you use and how were they developed?
At Valkyrie, we use the 2015 VBT developed by the society of actuaries which is a reliable national association.
What other life expectancy providers are you most similar to?
We are very unique and use distinctive methodology to complete underwriting assessments. If we were to choose who we are most similar to in the marketplace, it would be companies who have underwriting ownership and use tried and true underwriting principles.
How can Valkyrie Limited help me if I need life underwriting services on a regular basis?
Valkyrie Limited can help you with your ongoing life underwriting needs by providing customized services that are tailored to your specific requirements. Our periodic life expectancy underwriting leverages real-time data to update assessments regularly and track relevant risks associated with individual lives. This allows you to stay abreast of potential risks and make informed decisions, while also saving you time and money.
What is your average turnaround for an individual assessment?
Valkyrie Limited values expediency in addition to accuracy. Our process is methodical, thorough, consistent, data-driven, and designed to provide you with a complete report in 4 business days.

Complex risks that may involve clinical specialists may take additional time.

Our underwriting experts comb through hundreds of data points to provide you with the most accurate assessment.

What approaches do you use to provide accurate reports?

At Valkyrie Limited, we use proven approaches to ensure that our reports are accurate and reliable. Our team has over 30 years of experience in the field of life underwriting, and we use our expertise to provide comprehensive risk assessments for each individual life. We also rely on the use of relevant clinical experts and evidence-based, peer-reviewed mortality tables to inform our work. Additionally, we adhere to tried and true underwriting practices and continually seek to improve our processes as medical science advances and the field of life underwriting evolves.

Our team of trained, experienced, and credentialed longevity underwriting professionals evaluates all data with the highest level of care and attention to detail. We hold ourselves to the highest standards and are committed to providing accurate and reliable reports that can help you make informed decisions and mitigate risk.

How can you support my organization on informal reviews, audits and accelerated DB reviews?

At Valkyrie Limited, we can support your organization with informal reviews, audits, and accelerated DB reviews by providing highly experienced and credentialed underwriters to assist with these processes. Our team can quickly jump in and help increase scalability, allowing you to manage demands without relying on in-house team members who are needed for production. This can help ensure that your organization is able to effectively and efficiently handle informal reviews, audits, and accelerated DB reviews without sacrificing other important work. Our team is dedicated to supporting you and your organization in any way we can, and we are ready to assist with underwriting projects whenever you need us.